
Christianity Today, 2009, Volume 53, Numbers 1–12 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Since 1956, Christianity Today has challenged the church with real-world content that is timely, compelling, insightful, balanced, and biblical. Christianity Today is a magazine that seeks to present Christ preeminent in all things, with a clear ministry emphasis via trustworthy, Bible based content. Written with journalistic excellence and professional integrity, the authors and editors of this...

to work through these formulae. His doing so testifies to his grace, however, not to the fidelity of such evangelistic formulations, which, in this culture, inadvertently make Jesus out to be a cosmic version of the consumer brands promoted in the thousands of advertisements each of us sees daily. Such brands promise to deliver goods—self-esteem, sex appeal, confidence, coolness—that they have no intrinsic capacity to give. Their power is in consumers’ collective willingness to imbue them with that
Volume 53, Number 1, Page 23